ACH team at away day playing drums

Blogs and news

Job Club under construction

Our weekly Job Club in St Pauls has been a stable part of the support that we provide to the local community over the past 7 years. It is a vital service for our tenants, learners and the wider community to develop personal and English skills, and it also begins or restarts their journey into employment. We are closing Job Club throughout August to make improvements to the service by adding an extra day per week.

Valuing our staff

People are key to the work we do at ACH – both the people we work with and the people who work for us. With that in mind, we have recently held annual appraisals and role evaluations and have also taken our staff out on a fun day for team building.

How can you identify and resolve a skills gap in your company?

In today’s constantly evolving job market, with the rapid emergence of new technologies, products, and services, high-level skills are an ever-increasing priority for employers. But how does the current and future workforce match up to these expectations?

Mattia's Erasmus+ volunteer placement

Mattia was matched to ACH through UK Intern Development who work with overseas students to find them placements in Bristol to improve their English, gain valuable life skills and build up their work experience as part of the EU Erasmus+ programme. He has been volunteering with us for 4 weeks.

Helping young refugees into employment

During Refugee Week ACH ran an innovative new programme with UK Youth and Starbucks to get young refugees work ready. Together we ran a 1 week Youth Action course for 16-25 year old refugees, providing these young people with the opportunity to learn life skills through employability training.

Meet the Board: David

Every month we will be introducing a new board member of ACH. This month it's the turn of David Jepson, Himilo board member.

ACH Bristol celebrates Refugee Week

In Bristol, we celebrated Refugee Week and Bristol Refugee Festival by running our own events and attending others across the city. This year's theme was Celebration, Information, Integration and our events reflected this.

Refugee homes funded by ethical investment

ACH has worked with Resonance to produce the first Yield Sharing Investment Model in the UK which complies with Islamic Law, whilst providing a return to investors. This new investment model has allowed us to purchase our first freehold properties in Birmingham.

Supporting young refugees in rebuilding their lives

Guest Blog by Yasmin Mahmoudi, National Programmes Coordinator, UK Youth