ACH team at away day playing drums

Blogs and news

Co-production on the Community Climate Action Project

We’ve been working this year on the Community Climate Action Project, which aims to support diverse communities across Bristol to become engaged in climate action and environmental issues.

EU Migrant Communities: Integration, Brexit and Covid-19 | A report

At ACH, we focus on building individuals’ resilience in the labour market, upskilling and supporting refugees and migrants into sustainable, higher-level employment to develop their independence and help their integration into life in the UK.

Celebrating the SEESI Project

The system-changing SEESI project, which aims to create a Europe-wide revolution in refugee integration, has come to a close.

Putting refugees needs at the heart of policy with Comic Relief

We are thrilled to have received a generous £600k of funding from Comic Relief to launch the Change Makers Project with RAMP.

Responding to the Nationality and Borders Bill: Seeking asylum is a human right

The Nationality and Borders Bill is a threat to the right to seek asylum enshrined in the 1951 Refugee Convention, and is a very concerning piece of legislation. It will criminalise ‘irregular’ asylum routes, whilst failing to provide safe and legal routes.

Seeking Asylum is a Human Right

Both those at risk in Afghanistan, and Afghans already in the UK, must be supported through this crisis. We must do all we can to ensure safe and legal routes to resettlement and make certain Afghans already seeking asylum in the UK are not left in limbo or at risk of repatriation.

Partnering for Change: ACH, the CREME and the ‘Productivity from Below’ project

Imelda McCarthy

Celebrating the Syrian Vulnerable Person's Resettlement Scheme

The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme is a five year scheme led by Birmingham City council, aiming to resettle refugees from Syria, and help them to re-establish their lives in the city.

Our Migrant Business Support Project: Your questions answered

I have a business idea, how can you help me get it off the ground?

Our Enterprise Facilitators can help you through all the stages of setting up a business.