ACH team at away day playing drums

Blogs and news

EU Migrant Communities | Meeting needs through Brexit and Covid-19

At ACH we provide services for newly arrived communities in the UK. Whilst many of our day-to-day services are tailored for newly arrived refugee communities, we have also become concerned by EU migrant communities impacted by the simultaneous issues of Brexit and Covid-19.

Migrant Entrepreneurship: Exploring the importance of language & culture

Migrant Entrepreneurship | Exploring the importance of language and culture, was an event organised by ACH, in collaboration with West of England Combined Authority and the University of Bristol.

Celebrating Refugee Week at ACH!


Our team in Birmingham celebrated Refugee Week this year by visiting our tenants and bringing food and drinks to our houses!

Refugee Week 2021: We Cannot Walk Alone

Refugee Week is, at its heart, a celebration of refugees in the UK and around the world. It’s a chance to reach out to others, have meaningful conversations and create positive change.

Supporting the Syrian Community into Employment

Since launching the project in October 2019, the Himilo training team have been engaging with clients to assist them with developing their skills set to gain employment.

What's next for the Community Climate Action Project?

Globally and nationally, the climate crisis will affect the most at risk in society. Studies show that groups and communities most affected by environmental and climate issues are the least likely to be listened to or allowed access to spaces of decision making.

Rethinking refugee integration using outcome-based commissioning

The newly announced Refugee Outcomes Transition Fund (RTOF) offers a new funding mechanism for those working to help resettle and integrate refugees. 

Mohammed's Apprenticeship Success

In May 2018, Mohammed started working in the Property Maintenance Team in our ACH Birmingham Office, and started his Property Maintenance Operative Level 2 apprenticeship in May 2019.

The Digital Divide: How can we bridge the gap?

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the digital divide in the UK, with lockdowns meaning many have had no or very little access to online services, classes, and culture.