Fuad's image and a message from our CEO

A Year of Empowerment

Fifteen years ago, we embarked on a mission to empower individuals seeking a new life in the UK. Fuelled by personal experiences, the journey began with a small, dedicated team committed to making a difference, notwithstanding the seemingly impossible mission.

Fuad's Greeting card
This vision has touched over 13,000 lives across the globe, offering hope, confidence, and a sense of belonging to individuals from various nations.

Today, as we proudly stand 15 years strong, the heat is still on, met with shared passion alongside the incredible ACHers who have become the heart of our cause. Without them, our mission would face significant hurdles.

What propels us forward is not just the lived experience but the learned experience - gathered knowledge, new lessons, constant growth and valuable partnerships.

Now, this vision has touched over 13,000 lives across the globe, offering hope, confidence, and a sense of belonging to individuals from various nations around the world including but not limited to; Iranians, Syrians, Eritreans, Afghans, Sudanese, Ukrainians - each empowered, each finding renewed strength through our work at ACH.

Yet, our journey to empowerment continues. We are more enthusiastic than ever. We strive to reshape perceptions, influence policies, and ensure individuals within the UK are #RethinkingRefugee.

As we begin the new year 2024, we reflect on the progress made and look forward to a new year of continued impact. We will continue to provide holistic support through quality housing and training offerings that enable individuals and communities to lead successful lives.

If you would like to collaborate with us, we encourage you to send an email to marketing@ach.org.uk for initial conversations.

Wishing you all a prosperous new year.