Our response to the Coronavirus emergency
A message from our CEO, Fuad Mahamed, about the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and ACH and Himilo's response to the outbreak.
Our top priority, in these complex and challenging times, is to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our service users.
People come first in all that we do. This is at the core of our values and applies now, more than ever.
Coronavirus/COVID-19 poses a threat to the most vulnerable and high-risk in our society, and it is our duty to continue to support the people living in our supported housing, whilst doing all we can to limit transmission.
It is imperative that we continue to provide the same high standard of support during this time. At the same time, we need to protect our staff, so they can continue to offer support and help to tenants and to reduce the risk of infecting the people who we support.
How are we adapting to Coronavirus?
We are encouraging our staff and tenants alike to follow the latest government advice to practice social distancing, hand hygiene, working from home where possible and self-isolating with the first signs of a cough or high temperature. We will keep up with the latest guidance and adapt our policies as the situation changes.
For now, we are implementing the following:
- In our office, we will be running on a skeletal staff. Although we will have a limited presence in our office, we will continue to provide the same level of support for our tenants.
- We will be holding as many of our support meetings as possible over the phone and on video calls. We are ensuring our staff have the resources and technology to provide remote support to tenants.
- For our stakeholders, partners and business meetings we will be holding meetings over video conferencing (e.g. Skype). We are available over email, if you are unsure who to contact, use our info@ach.org.uk, which we will be checking regularly.
- We will be cancelling all classroom-based teaching conducted by Himilo, our training subsidiary. This is due to government advice to cancel mass gatherings, in order to limit transmissions between people.
- We will protect our tenants in any way we can, and we are committed to providing them with all the assistance, advice, practical help and support they need to keep safe during this time.
Please get in contact
For further questions, email us at info@ach.org.uk. We will get back to you as soon as possible to answer any questions you may have, although bear with us as we may take longer to reply to emails.
We will keep you updated with any upcoming changes and decisions and we may make. In the meantime, please take care of yourself, your loved ones and your community by taking all the necessary hygiene and isolation measures to prevent transmitting the virus. Stay safe.
Best wishes,
Fuad Mahamed