ACH & Himilo AGMs
On 13th September ACH and Himilo held their AGMs at the Engine Shed in Bristol, heralding a time of change.
Under the National Housing Federation code of governance an individual can only be Chair for 6 years, and as ACH became a Registered Social landlord in 2012, this was to be the year of change. As a result of this, the ACH AGM saw Andy Burkitt standing down as Chair, but staying on the Board as a Director.
John Wells was then elected as the new Chair of ACH. We would like to congratulate John on this, and offer Andy our heartfelt thanks for his sterling work as Chair over the past 6 years. There will be a separate staff thank you event for Andy.
The ACH AGM also saw Jane Ginnever and Shariat Rokneddin formally ratified as ACH Board Members.
Himilo held its AGM immediately following the ACH one. This saw John Wells step down from his role as Chair of Himilo, and Jeff Greenidge elected as the new Chair.
We look forward to the exciting times ahead, with a Solihull-based Chair of ACH heralding a renewed focus on our work in the West Midlands.