ACH team at away day playing drums

Blogs and news

Birmingham tenants day out

In May 2018 the ACH Birmingham team organised a day trip for their female tenants to support their integration into the local area.

Bristol Refugee Festival Events

As part of Refugee Week and Bristol Refugee Festival, 2018, ACH are running three events to celebrate the integration and contribution of refugees in the city. These include a bike ride, a 10-year party and art and craft morning.

The Organisational Benefits of a Diverse & Multicultural Workforce

Diverse businesses see improved productivity, company growth and staff retention. ACH is a great example of how a diverse workforce can help your business to flourish.

The Future of ACH

Having celebrated a decade worth of memories and achievements at our 10 year event, the future of ACH looks bright.

Meet the Board: Shariat

Every month we will be introducing a new board member of ACH. This month it's the turn of R Shariat, the most recent addition of the ACH board.

Starbucks volunteering day

Starbucks have recently volunteered to do some garden maintenance at one of our properties in Birmingham to give back to ACH. We've been in partnership with Starbucks to help them employ refugees in Birmingham and Bristol by running employability courses for them. This has been a success with several refugees now in work.

Theatre performance by refugees

As part of ACTA Theatre’s REACT (Refugee Engagement and Integration through Community Theatre) festival, 6 refugees recently took part in performances of ‘Lost Sheep’, a play totally devised and performed by ACH tenants and learners. They have had rehearsals every Wednesday since October 2017 and put in a lot of hard work to get the performances right.

10 years of ACH

We have recently celebrated 10 years of ACH. We've gone all out for our birthday with a rebrand, a new website and a celebratory event!

South West Business Shows

ACH is more than just a housing provider - with our training arm Himilo offering an extensive range of courses aimed at the wider community, and our work with employers changing the way businesses recruit staff - we offer many more services than just housing.