ACH team at away day playing drums

Blogs and news

A SCORE Project Update: Tackling Digital Exclusion

COVID-19 has brought the pressing issue of digital exclusion into sharp focus, and we knew we needed to act for our tenants and our communities during this challenging time, to make sure no one would be left behind.

Hassan and Adam's Story

Hassan and Adam are cousins who grew up in the same village in Sudan. Now, they live together in an ACH shared house and are working hard to establish themselves and build a good life in the UK for their families.

Tackling inequality: Timely discussions at the Bristol Race and Housing Conference

Home is the first point of safety, a foundation for the building blocks of life.

Lockdown Book Club | The Displaced: Refugee Writers on Refugee Lives

This collection of short essays written by refugees from a variety of countries and backgrounds explores themes of identity, nationality, loss and roots.

Najla's Story

Najla has been with ACH since early 2018, after she was referred to our emergency housing by Bristol City Council.

A step ahead of the new Government announcement

In a society where the demand for skills is constantly changing and increasing, keeping up to date has become quite difficult.

Meet the team: Lizwe

What did you do before coming to ACH? 

I previously worked for the England Church Housing Group in East Yorkshire as a project worker.

The Unmet Needs of Migrant Communities from Europe: A Report

We are concerned that migrant workers from Central and Eastern Europe do not have access to the same level of support and advocacy as other groups.

Action for climate! ACH a community partner on Bristol Climate Action Fund

We are extremely excited to announce that ACH Bristol has been named as one of six community partners on a Bristol Green Capital Partnership-led programme to take action and tackle climate change.